NAPPP Upcoming Training Institutes

NAPPP Training Institute I

Establishing a Peer Helping Program
When: August 28 & 29, 2020
Time:  8:30 am to 4:30 pm


Dr. Boone Benton, CPPE, NAPPP BOD
Dr. Cynthia Morton, CPPE, NAPPP Trainer/Consultant, NAPPP BOD, NBCC
This interactive Training Institute is for anyone who is interested in learning more about peer helping programs. Peer helping programs, found primarily but not only in school settings, train non-professionals (typically students) to provide a variety of supportive services to other peers. These services can include (but are not limited to) one-on-one
listening, tutoring, character education lessons, health education, leading small group discussions, working with classroom groups, conflict resolution, peer mediation, drug and alcohol prevention, assisting new students, mentoring disabled and non-English-speaking students, service learning, community outreach and leadership trainingParticipants should bring a computer so they can access materials for the Training Institute through a thumb drive. 

This Training Institute will cover the historical perspective of the peer helping movement worldwide,
research regarding the effectiveness of peer helping programs, program start-up, and implementation and maintenance. Participants will also experience modules for training peer helpers. A Plan of Action will be developed. Upon successful completion of this Training Institute, participants will have met the training requirement component toward CPPE (Certified Peer Program Educator) certification through the National Association of Peer Program Professionals.

Participants will receive a certificate of attendance, a complimentary one-year membership in the National Associations of Peer Program Professionals, eligible to apply for Certified Peer Program Educator and if have a program can apply for the Certified Peer Program.  Optional Graduate credit available through Lindenwood University.  

NAPPP Training Institute II
Peer Mediation Program K-12:  Designing, Implementation, Training for Peer Mediators in Your School
Date:  August 14 & 15, 2020
Time:  8:30-4:30
Place: TBA

Dr. Cynthia Morton, NAPPP CPPE, Certified Trainer/Consultant, NAPPP BOD,
Dr. Boone Benton, CPPE, NAPPP BOD

Participants in this interactive Training Institute will acquire tools and practice skills to train peer mediators and build and sustain flexible vibrant peer programs, specifically peer mediation programs.  Time will be spent on designing a program that will work within your school, how to implement the program and train youth using one curriculum.  Time will be spent learning about online peer mediation training.  Participants will explore nine essential areas of training: helping roles, confidentiality and referrals, communication skills, decision-making, teambuilding, ethics, group management, group process, and organizational dynamics.  Specifically, professionals will learn how to teach the process of peer mediation. Each participant will learn a variety of techniques that will make any training they lead for youth more fun while enhancing learning.  NAPPP Programmatic Standards and Ethics will provide the foundation for all skills and strategies.  Bring your ideas and creativity.

·         Core Training for Students
·         Peer Mediation Process
  • Teaching and Learning Strategies 
  • Supervision Skills 
  • Evaluation of Student Learning 
  • Continued Planning and Implementation  
This training will focus specifically on how to train youth in peer mediation skills. Opportunities to practice leadership skills with feedback will be provided.  Time will be spent on evaluation of student learning.  Participants should bring a computer so they can access materials for the Training Institute through a thumb drive. 
Participants will be eligible to earn the Certified Peer Program Educator (CPPE) credential.  The CPPE certificate can be received after completion of an application form and paying a $35.00 credentialing fee at the end of training, or by sending the application and fee to NAPPP.  Yearly membership is $50/year and CPPE renewal is $20/year.

These trainings are tailored for teachers, non-profit youth workers, juvenile justice/prison staff, juvenile/school counselors, social workers, drug prevention specialists and Church youth workers.

NAPPP Fall Training Institute

Establishing a Peer Helping Program: Team Training
When: November 29 & 30, 2020
Time:  8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Location: St. Louis Area

Dr. Marilyn Bader, CPPE, NAPPP Trainer/Consultant
Cindy Wynn, CPPE, NAPPP Trainer/Consultant, LPC
Dr. Judy Tindall, CPPE, NAPPP Trainer/Consultant, Clinical

This interactive Training Institute is for anyone who is interested in
learning more about peer helping programs. Peer helping programs,
found primarily but not only in school settings, train non-professionals (typically students) to provide a variety of supportive services to other
peers. These services can include (but are not limited to) one-on-one
listening, tutoring, character education lessons, health education, leading
small group discussions, working with classroom groups, conflict
resolution, peer mediation, drug and alcohol prevention, assisting new
students, mentoring disabled and non-English-speaking students, service learning, community outreach and leadership trainingParticipants
should bring a computer so they can access materials for the Training Institute through a thumb drive. 

This Training Institute will cover the historical perspective of the peer
helping movement worldwide, research regarding the effectiveness of
peer helping programs, program start-up, and implementation and
maintenance. Participants will also experience modules for training peer helpers. A Plan of Action will be developed. Upon successful completion
of this Training Institute, participants will have met the training
requirement component toward CPPE (Certified Peer Program Educator) certification through the National Association of Peer Program

Participants will receive a certificate of attendance, a complimentary
one-year membership in the National Associations of Peer Program Professionals, eligible to apply for Certified Peer Program Educator
and if have a program in place (minimum one year) eligible to apply
for Certified Peer Program.  Optional  Graduate credit available through Lindenwood University.  

Please make check payable to NAPPP
58 Portwest Court
St. Charles, MO  63303
Toll-free phone/Fax: 888-691-1088


Dr. Marilyn Bader, CPPE, NAPPP Trainer/Consultant

Marilyn as the Prevention Training Coordinator for the National
Council on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse – St. Louis Area (NCADA). 
In this position, she coordinated and trained a wide variety of
programming for youth, adults, community members, and school staff. 
This includes such topics as:  Resilience skill development, student
assistance programming and implementation, support group facilitation,
group dynamics, community development and mobilization, cross-age education, peer helping and mentoring, conflict mediation for grades
6 through adult, action planning, and a broad range of topics related to
the addiction disease and systemic impact.

Marilyn’s experience ranges from direct student service programming at
the local level to working with community teams throughout the eastern
region of Missouri.  She has done extensive training in Missouri as well
as other training programs at the national level.

Marilyn has served in a variety of leadership capacities in the prevention
field and beyond.  She has served as Chair of the Congregations Services Steering Committee and the Board for Youth Services for the Lutheran
Church-Missouri Synod.

Dr. Judith A. Tindall, Clinical Psychologist, CPPE, NAPPP

As president, staff psychologist, and consultant at Psychological Network in
St. Charles, MO, Dr. Tindall provides counseling, evaluation, consulting, develops
curriculum, consultation, designs programs, trains youth and adults, develops
evaluation design and evaluates programs. Her services encompass a full array of
psychological services. She is an MBTI® Master Practitioner, HIMS Trained
Aviation Evaluator, and Registered Custody Evaluator.  She has been in private
practice since the late 1970s. 

She has written the following books: Evaluation of Peer and Prevention Peer
Program: A Blueprint for Success; An In-Depth Look at Peer Programs,
Second Edition; Peer Power, Book 1:  Becoming an Effective Peer Helper and
Conflict Mediator, Fourth Edition; Peer Power, Book 2: Applying Peer Helping
Skills, Third Edition; Peers Helping Peers: Program for the Preadolescent and
Leader’s Manual; 3R’s of Feeling:  Receiving, Reflecting, and Responding.  She
has written articles that appeared in the St. Louis Business Journal, St. Charles Business Magazine, and She has conducted two webinars on Peer
to Peer Strategies for Bullying Prevention/Intervention and Peer to Peer Strategies
for Suicide Prevention.   She has appeared on radio and television including Good
Morning America. She was an invited participant to the White House Conference
on working with Youth and was invited to participate in the Bullying Summit in
Washington, D.C., supported by nine federal agencies.  She has also attended the
Global Youth Traffic Safety Launch.

She spends part of her time providing direct service through counseling,
evaluation, and forensic evaluation to individuals and families in the St. Charles Community.  She has assisted  organizations on a wide variety of topics
including peer to peer programs, crisis management,  team building, conflict management, highway traffic safety, strategic planning, community building, leadership development, communication skills, stress management, violence prevention, bullying prevention, sexual harassment, diversity, Wellness in the Workplace and MBTI®.  She has conducted evaluation for individuals and organizations.

She assisted the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
in evaluating three projects, the Future Farmers of America (FFA) in creating a
national evaluation model and needs assessment for their programs, and NAPPP Programmatic Standards Rubric.  She has helped to develop the Zero Tolerance
for Underage Drinking and Driving, seat belt use, distracted driving curriculum
for NAPPP which has been delivered to the City of St. Charles School District
and KCMOSD. She has assisted KCMOSD deliver two “Youth Saving Youth” projects regarding underage drinking and driving lessons to youth.  She has led
her group in providing mental health services to St. Louis Job Corps for over 15
years where she worked with the Peer Mentor/Mediation program. She has
worked with the United Nations on developing, implementing, and evaluating a
Staff Outreach Support (SOS) program and other crisis training and website
materials. She assisted South Korea in expanding and enhancing their 5,000
peer counseling programs.  She has conducted program evaluation on a variety
of  training programs for youth for several school districts such as Cecil County
MD, Baldwin County AL, and Broward County FL, in enhancing their peer
counseling programs.

Dr. Tindall received her B.S. from Southwest Missouri State University in
speech and political science. Her Master’s degree is in counseling and guidance
from the University of Missouri. She has a specialist degree in counseling and guidance from Southern Illinois University, and her Ph.D. from St. Louis
University. She holds certificates from the National Board of Certified
Counselors and the National Certified School Psychologist Board.  She has her
lifetime teaching and counseling certificate and counseling from the Missouri
Board of Education. She was a school counselor and teacher for 17 years. 
Cindy Wynn, LPC, CPPE, NAPPP Trainer/Consultant

Cindy Wynn is licensed as a Professional Counselor in MO.  She taught
the graduate counselor program at Lindenwood University and has
facilitated Level 1 NAPPP training in the St. Charles, MO area.

She retired from the City of St. Charles School District in 2003 after 31
years as a teacher, middle and high school counselor and the district-wide
Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities Grant Coordinator. 
Cindy has been involved in peer helping since the first National Peer
Helpers Association conference was held in St. Charles, MO in 1987. 
She developed the first peer helping program at the middle school level
and co-taught the class until she moved to the high school where she
helped with the high school program.  As the Drug Free Grant
coordinator, she oversaw the development of the district wide peer
helping program.

Cindy was a board member for NAPPP for eight years as Secretary,
President of the MO Peer Helpers Association, co-editor of the
MPHA newsletter and served on the NAPPP Professional
Development Committee.  She has worked with the peer helper
sponsors in  a local school district to write a district-wide peer helping curriculum based on NAPPP Programmatic Standards and Ethics.
