National Peer Helper Week Resource Kit

 About the National Peer Helper Week Resource Kit

This resource kit offers easy ways to celebrate NAPPP National Peer Helpers Appreciation/Recognition- Day/Week in your school or community. NAPPP Peer Helpers Appreciation/Recognition is built around fun activities, and getting others to sign off on your proclamation.

NAPPP National Peer Helpers Appreciation/Recognition Week is March 25-29, 2024.

You can celebrate one day or all week.

The theme, NAPPP National Peer Helpers Appreciation/ Recognition Week, leaves lots of room for creativity, and we want you to have fun while you are making your point. We have created some ideas to get started and you can go crazy with your own additions, but all peer programs should include the following:

  • Hold an activity in school or in the community

  • Get the administrator or community leaders to sign off on the proclamation

  • Wear your Peer Helper T-Shirt or other gear

  • Celebrate what you do

Take pictures and share them with us and your local media and NAPPP newsletter---e-mail: or share on our Facebook and Instagram page.

Click the link below to download the kit.

Peer Helper Resource Kit
