NAPPP In Egypt

Recently NAPPP President, Dr. Judith Tindall, had the opportunity to assist five Egyptian schools in starting and implementing peer helping programs.  

NAPPP would like to share their story of success!!

From Judith Tindall...

"I have been blown away on how these five schools have started and implemented all of the peer helping curricula.  The students are using the language of confidentiality, active listening etc.  Today I visited an all girl's school of 2,000 with about 100 peer helpers and 5 peer program professionals.  The room where they provide their services and have their supervision meeting has on the wall the Ethical guidelines, confidentiality, pyramid of communication skills and many other signs from the training books.  One of the social workers who leads the professional team wants to get more schooling in Peer Helping.  They have told many success stories about individual students, changes in the school culture and how they are able to solve conflicts."

These pictures chronicle the celebration of two years of hard work!!

Peer program professionals and stakeholders meeting. 

Graphic peer helpers designed in El warden HS in Egypt that the peer helper showed their roles as mediator, tutor, ambassador and career guidance assistant and all that is needed to grow.

Career assistants helping students fill out job applications inside the peer helping room in Aswan. 
Peer Helpers show wrist bands about their "Together We Soar" peer helping program in Egypt.
Aswan Technical High School peer helpers

Peer program at Rosady technical school in Alexandria
Supervision meeting at El Wardian Technical School supervision meeting telling about a successful peer mediation. Please put on social media. 

Peer Helper telling her journey to become a peer helper at El Warden technical HS. 
